
"* Based on a spy fantasy light novel series written by Takemachi and illustrated by Tomari.

Following a devastating military conflict, countries fight their wars in the shadows. One unusual spy, Klaus, has never failed on the job despite his quirks, and he is building a team to take on an Impossible Mission—one with over a 90 percent chance of failure. However, his chosen members are all washouts with no practical experience. They’ll have to use every trick in the book (and some that aren't) to prove they're up to the task!

Source: Yen Press"

Genre(s): Espionage, Comedy, Action, Drama




Cross Grisaia with Assassination Classroom and you're getting warm. Clumsy waifu... spyfus are tasked with receiving the tutelage from a super spy for a <10% projected survival suicide mission as a means to get rid of them, I suppose. Turns out he can't teach spycraft as it is completely intuitive for himself, so his solution becomes to offer himself up as bait for the girls to polish their skills by defeating him (or at least by trying). It hits the cute and the sassy notes easily and is a fun watch.

The surprise is that they are beginning the suicide operation as early as the end of episode 2 (3 is available as of this writing) after some clumsy exposition about how sensei's last team all died attempting this mission before (without him participating, of course). I expected that to be the the end arc of the season, so there must be more, and more potential for trickery, so I'm optimistically hopeful. Its more lighthearted than I typically prefer my espionage stories, but the cuteness and good chemistry between the girls makes up for it. Give it a try.