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Thread: Classroom of the Elite: Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e

  1. #101
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I expected more from this series than this. Dropped.

    Kushida's reason for being a villain is literally just that she's a two-faced bitch and doesn't want anyone to find out? As if the entire school population and staff isn't exactly the same?

    And the whole scheme of the sports festival boils down to secretly recording something like a kdrama or a shoujo series?

    What a waste of time this has been.

  2. #102
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I agree that Kushida's reason is stupid, unless there is more to it than she has let on, like a personal vendetta against Horikita that Horikita simply doesn't remember.

    I am okay with the audio recording conclusion because when both Horikita and C-prez employed it, both were juvenile attempts that failed against Ayanokouji's plan. What defeated the two's audio recording ideas wasn't just another audio recording, but the revelation that there is a traitor in Class C. That's what the big reveal was, not the fact that Ayanokouji also had an audio recording to use for blackmail.
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  3. #103
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    As I mentioned earlier, a lot in this show is *really* childish. It can hardly be called "intrigue" which is what the setting would want you to believe.

    This whole class points can buy you luxury n' stuff-thing is also completely under the rug.
    Or did I just remember that wrong? There is no "minigame" about that at all anymore.
    Wasn't this the show were it was implieded that some girls are basically selling their bodies to get coins or something? And you could use coins/points to your advantage and get even further ahead?

    What happened to the economy? It feels like no one struggles at all anymore.
    I don't even remember why it's "good" or important to be the best class.

    And really? A recording is all she was able to come up with herself? It almost feels like her character is more generic and dumb than most. Or maybe it's just that she was "hyped" as somewhat competent but seems to be the most basic character of them all.
    In fact, it almost feels like the blonde pony-tail girl MC "rescued" a few eps ago is instead the actual counterpart to him now, and not the bro-con anymore. Feels like her character got a promotion at the very least and it's not just a single fire n' forget thing so they could win the challenge at that time.
    Might sound a bit weird, but at least MC seems to actually "train" her properly and interacts with her somewhat that isn't filled with what I would almost identify as disappointment.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 08-09-2022 at 12:48 PM.

  4. #104
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think Horikita calling herself unexceptional and worthless is telling. She wasn't being humble. She really is that inept.
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  5. #105
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Probably, in that case, it's rather unique.
    Too bad she doesn't act accordingly and is basically a bitch about everything
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 08-10-2022 at 07:55 AM.

  6. #106
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Absolutely. She is like the worst type of class prez character I've encountered from memory.

    I just watch this to see Ayanokouji own everyone while showing 0 emotion. He was about to school the student council president in the race, but the person in front of him fell and disrupted him. After all, he was still accelerating during the race, slowly unfettering himself from his self-imposed shackles.
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  7. #107
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    What happened to the economy? It feels like no one struggles at all anymore.
    I don't even remember why it's "good" or important to be the best class.
    The classes are prorated points proportionally. It isn't just that Class D gets nothing from doing poorly on exams. They always get the least to start with since they're the lowest in Class Points too.

    Class A students get enough personal points that they don't even need to think about how many they have and also guaranteed the best positions after graduation. For reference, Ichinose in Class B has a several million already in a few months, and she's saving almost all of them.

    Class D isn't living off the free stuff anymore, but most of them are quite destitute, like a normal high school student without a job would be.

    But yeah, it hardly actually came up since the first arc of last season.

  8. #108
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    But yeah, it hardly actually came up since the first arc of last season.
    A shame, it's just some random ass number now with no real meaning.
    I'd have guessed it's part of the "game" to spend points to gain more points.
    Or to live frugal to get ahead or to remain on equal footing if you messed up on some challenge.

    After all, MC bought something to win the challenge on the ship.
    What did it cost? Why the *fuck* does it not matter anymore. That's really grinding my gear right now.
    Such a pointless system to introduce to your story if you ain't going to use it properly.
    It downgrades the whole show several levels in my opinion and makes the author/director feel like he wouldn't be able to write a story with schemes and intrigue if his life depended on it.

    The genre just doesn't work if you forget about shit like that all the time and it feels more like a silly highschool drama instead of a "fucked up experiment" disguised as a school.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 08-10-2022 at 08:02 AM.

  9. #109
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I expected more from this series than this. Dropped.

    Kushida's reason for being a villain is literally just that she's a two-faced bitch and doesn't want anyone to find out? As if the entire school population and staff isn't exactly the same?

    And the whole scheme of the sports festival boils down to secretly recording something like a kdrama or a shoujo series?
    Can't say I disagree with you, but it is still plenty entertaining for me. Kushida's reveal is unconvincing, and I suspect she may will have some more development on her 'defect'. I liked that she set her sights on Ayanokoji as well, forcing him to eventually 'deal' with her. My greatest hope is that she actually is that simple a character and his mercilessly ejected from the story via expulsion or the like. It would be an unexpected disposal of a main girl character design that the audience wouldn't see coming, metatextually.

    This has always been about subversion and sneaky plots, so I don't see the problem here. Sudo's got being baited into fist fights covered. The genius is supposed to be Ayanokouji forseeing all of this before the sports day ever started. For better of worse, this was left for the viewers to parse.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I agree that Kushida's reason is stupid, unless there is more to it than she has let on, like a personal vendetta against Horikita that Horikita simply doesn't remember.
    That's what I'm getting, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    As I mentioned earlier, a lot in this show is *really* childish. It can hardly be called "intrigue" which is what the setting would want you to believe.

    This whole class points can buy you luxury n' stuff-thing is also completely under the rug.
    Or did I just remember that wrong?
    Well, they are still basically kids (~15 years old), so that checks out. The high school 'intrigue' has been pretty weak lately, but it was never particularly strong, though I admit the "my trap is sprung!" followed by the "no you!" was pretty bad.

    In a way, the points have remained in the background as being incentive in most of the events. I don't think they could craft many more interesting scenarios out of the kids of class D navigating this 'point economy' in detail at this point. They already learned that lesson the hard way. I don't need to see them spinning their wheels in poverty; let it be a background detail. People are programmed to 'need' points, and they can be used to buy plot conveniences when MCs need it. Honestly, that's more satisfying than some of the contrivances these shows usually hit us with.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I think Horikita calling herself unexceptional and worthless is telling. She wasn't being humble. She really is that inept.
    I liked that scene more than I expected to. I figured some awkward half hearted attempt of her trying to 'appeal' to Sudo (everyone knows he likes her) would give me my daily dose of cringe, but instead she continued to face his problems and problematic character face on without flinching. That she used the interaction to self reflect and admit her own shortcomings is good character growth for a kuudere like her. Also props to Sudo for finally putting the breaks on being an impulsive moron (I appreciated that he knows how he is and projects it from his lousy parents).

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Absolutely. She is like the worst type of class prez character I've encountered from memory.

    I just watch this to see Ayanokouji own everyone while showing 0 emotion.
    I don't dislike her as much as at the beginning due to some of her observed vulnerability (though she has changed zero from when the show started), but agreed that Ayanokouji is the main draw here. Deadpan Gary Stu's are nothing new to anime, but my genuine hope is that he slowly reveals to the other classmates that he's using them, isn't really advancing the class for anyone but himself and becomes a proper anti-hero. Then the rest of his class has to decide if his ends justify his means (and motivations), which might reflect their personal character growth throughout he series... but I'm getting ahead of myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Such a pointless system to introduce to your story if you ain't going to use it properly.
    It downgrades the whole show several levels in my opinion and makes the author/director feel like he wouldn't be able to write a story with schemes and intrigue if his life depended on it.

    The genre just doesn't work if you forget about shit like that all the time and it feels more like a silly highschool drama instead of a "fucked up experiment" disguised as a school.
    Anime has always struggled with even basic world building and consistency. Maybe its a cultural thing in that Japanese storytelling isn't typically detail oriented except when it comes to characters? Either way, I think it is definitely best to take this as a typical high school drama with a side of edge instead of some ambitious experiment or statement about society as presented in the title cards.

    I'm surprised that class C boss isn't suspecting Ayanokouji by now. He knows someone is 'pulling Horikita's strings' but doesn't have an outward clue as to who? That's tough to swallow.
    Last edited by neflight86; Wed, 08-10-2022 at 10:04 AM.

  10. #110
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Apparently, the line that Ayanojouji said to Horikita that essentially said, "Use Sudo like I am using you," was not actually said out loud in the light novel. It was supposed to be an internal thought, and readers seem to agree that it is out of character for him to admit to something like that.
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  11. #111
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Interesting note. Maybe this is the studio's way of showcasing Ayanokouji's social autism, or perhaps showing he respects her enough (now) to know she can take it, not be offended, and apply the message?

  12. #112
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think it's simply the studio finding it difficult to naturally insert a monologue in that conversation, so they just had him speak it out loud instead.
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  13. #113
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    The harem cometh... was this girl just put up to it by Kushida (it was said she weilds major influence on the girls of class D), or is this genuine squee?

    Was there any prompting as to why the StuCo president changed, or is this just a random occurrence maybe to get him more into the story?

    I'm still finding it hard to believe they Ryuuen is having trouble deciding between the emotionless sociopath and Yousuke as the class D underboss...

    This next challenge is strange in that I'm not sure how it could be rigged by the traitor in any meaningful way? I guess we'll find out what twist occurred next episode.

  14. #114
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    Didn't the student council president just resign because he is a 3rd year? They usually retire that year to go look for employment, and the 2nd year students replace them.

    Ryuuen is having trouble deciding because Ayanokouji is too obvious a choice. He thinks it is a trap or a cover. Also, the other suspect isn't Yosuke, but Yukimura, who tied with Horikita at 100 (the perfect score) in the mini-test this episode, so he is technically capable of being a mastermind.
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  15. #115
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Ryuuen is having trouble deciding because Ayanokouji is too obvious a choice. He thinks it is a trap or a cover. Also, the other suspect isn't Yosuke, but Yukimura, who tied with Horikita at 100 (the perfect score) in the mini-test this episode, so he is technically capable of being a mastermind.
    I forgot they were the two in who witnessed the bullying, and not Ayanokouji and the fake boyfriend. He hasn't had much screen time and I had to look the name up to remember who you were talking about!

  16. #116
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    You are a great person. I appreciate you.
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  17. #117
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Well... thank you! I think you're swell, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Didn't the student council president just resign because he is a 3rd year? They usually retire that year to go look for employment, and the 2nd year students replace them.
    Just got to thinking, the classes are still divided by year, right? Horikita's brother's class A isn't the same one we have dealt with, correct? Because he is a year above? If so, it's too bad we haven't seen what second and third year class D survivors look like. Feels like some untapped potential looking at other years. And since they are about to advance, seeing a new class of freshmen would also be fun, if this show had the runtime for it.

  18. #118
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    I actually do not know if there is even a class D for 2nd and 3rd years. Maybe they all got weeded out.
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  19. #119
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    Kushida's motivations and tragic backstory are just as insipid as I had hoped they would be. She has a need for validation and and can't handle being unpopular, so she goes nuclear with weaponized gossip. Gag me with a spoon. Is there any salvaging that, as a potential 'heroine'? I like a good antagonist, and that is exactly the role Kushida's filling right now.

    To be clear, this is just the revelation I was hoping for, and her ultimate showdown has been set in stone, so I'm quite looking forward to the hijinks undoubtedly coming.

  20. #120
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I hope Ayanokouji orchestrates her getting sick or injured during the exam. Seems like a fitting comeuppance for someone who relies on social tactics to win. Popularity is a power, sure. But violence is its purest form.
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